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Showing posts with label cracksoft. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cracksoft. Show all posts



1. Open the tool / program.
2. Click "Show Password" button.
3. Wait a few seconds.
4. Click "Copy Password" button.
5. (...) and you can unpack games!


How to download camtasia 8 keygen generator

    1. Click Download Now button in top of the page.

    2.Do it 4 times again&again.

    3.Now you will find Download link then download this file.

    4.Thank you.... Keep visiting...

Get Camtasia 8 keys:

    Now open Camtasia 8 keygen generator.exe

    just click "Gerar" button

    copy name and key then paste it your camtasia software and register.



Instructions pour Code Psn Gratuit listes quotidiennes:

1. Téléchargez le logiciel et commencer à générer des codes.
2.Vous pouvez maintenant échanger vos points Playstation Libre code!

Code Psn Gratuit

Comment télécharger ?
1. Cliquez sur le bouton Télécharger
2. Vous allez ensuite voir plusieurs offres (C’est une mesure pour éviter le spam)
3. Cliquez sur une des offres (ne vous inquiétez pas pour votre crédit, lisez ci-dessous)
4. Complétez une des offres mobile, vous serait facturé et votre téléchargement sera débloqué
5. Après avoir eu votre logiciel, envoyez “STOP” au numéro associé à l’offre<
6. L’offre sera désactivé et votre crédit sera restauré! C’était simple!
7. Amusez vous bien avec notre logiciel!

Code Psn Gratuit



Code Psn Gratuit
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Playstation a établi de nouvelles normes dans le commerce de détournement et il est récemment apparu pliée être les plus grands consoles de détournement généralisé à l’acte de ses contemporains comme la Xbox et Wii.
Le buzz récent sur ​​PS4 émotionnel peu a donné lieu à l’ajout de la reconnaissance de ce produit awing sony. alors que la plupart du carré mesure pour les enfants de plus en plus névrotique en ce qui concerne le détournement ils gardent le tri des façons d’induire hot stuff et des dernières nouvelles de marché d’PlayStation Network. Psn codes mesure place ce qu’ils ont spécifiquement pour ajouter du crédit à leur compte PSN et construire des achats. si elles ne vous Prix non un bras et une jambe cependant toujours remboursement d’un certain nombre de billets verts pour obtenir les jeux n’est pas viable pour tout le monde. nous avons revenons avec le travail autour. vous serez en mesure d’obtenir les codes psn entièrement libres à travers notre site web, sans aucune condition connectés.
Il ne vous prendra pas plus d’une paire de minutes pour induire votre code psn gratuit. Agir actuellement et réclamer le vôtre à la suite de de temps en temps, nous avons limité les actions et tous les un les codes ne peuvent être offertes tous les jours. Vive



- iFunbox

Hack features
- Unlock Upgrade to PlayerXtreme Pro
- Unlock Subtitles
- Unlock X12 Sound Boost
- Unlock Access Network Drives & Folders
- Unlock HTTP Wifi-Transfer
- Unlock Folder Guard
- Unlock iCloud Backup Control


  Hack instructions
1 - Download the zip file from link above
2 - Unzip the file
3 - Open iFunbox and go to /User Applications/PlayerXtreme/ and replace the Library file
4 - Launch the app, Enjoy 

Unlock all features originally restricted for Subscribers

- Jailbreak device
- MobileSubstrate (download from Cydia)


1 - Download the Files (see the download section above)
2 - Put them under /Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/ of your iDevice (note: the "Library" is the folder OUTSIDE the app folder.. it's at the highest level, same as "var")
3 - Respring (or restart your device if you don't know what it means) your iDevice
4 - Launch the App - done


[O] Flex 1.12

Compatible with iOS 5 and 6

Flex lets you exercise the limits of your device by enabling you to make your own jailbreak tweaks. The Flex Community Cloud features tweaks shared by Flex users, and lets you download and install these tweaks instantly.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What kind of tweaks can you make in Flex?
A: Here's some tweaks that are available on the Flex Community Cloud at the moment:
- Show All Timestamps in Messages
- Show Contact Photos in Messages
- Remove the Camera Grabber from the Lock Screen
- Unlimited Safari Tabs
- Hide Newsstand

Q: Do I need to know any programming to make tweaks in Flex?
A: Making tweaks in Flex doesn't require any programming knowledge, and it can be done quick and easily. Flex includes a tutorial on how to make the "Show All Timestamps in Message" tweak, which will only take you a couple minutes to go through at most.

Q: I don't want to make tweaks, should I download Flex?
A: If you don't want to make tweaks that's fine too, as plenty of people are sharing their tweaks via the Flex Community Cloud. You access it right through the Flex app, and you can instantly download and install any tweaks listed. Not only that but you're able to edit downloaded tweaks, and see exactly how they work.

Q: All these tweaks are built into Flex, right?
A: Not at all, Flex is a platform that lets you make tweaks. It doesn't have any tweaks built in, they're all created using Flex.

Q: What apps are compatible with Flex?
A: In Flex you can make tweaks for any app you have installed, even Springboard!

Q: My grandmother has never touched a cell phone before, but I bought her an iPhone for her 95th birthday. Should I install Flex on it?
A: Definitely, once she goes through the tutorial she'll be making tweaks like the pros!

Q: Can you mess something up by making tweaks this way?
A: There's safe-guards against this. The worst that could happen is that you have to go into Flex and disable a tweak.

The possibilities are endless, so what are you waiting for?

Flex.app added to your home screen


Make your own tweaks, easily!

-Fixed patch title sometimes not fitting on screen.
-New re-designed cloud patch view
-Fixed bug that caused some apps to not be listed.
-Improved icon search for apps
-Now loads a bit faster when injected into apps with lots of patches.
-Fixed bug with UTF8 encoding not being displayed correctly.
-Fixed navigation bar crash.



- Jailbreak
- Flex (Cydia)
- Rhapsody (Appstore)
- [Optional] Appsync & any ipa installer (only required if using the cracked ipa)

Hack Features:
- Sign in without creating an account (FYI- a free account is still needed if you want to create playlists/share the account across multiple devices.)
- No monthly ($9.99) subscription required
- Unlimited downloads & offline playback
- Skipping & scrubbing for radio station playback (version 3.5.4 only)

- Radio station playback doesn't work for the current (3.6.1) version however some playback works for version (3.5.4) via the following tab...Browse-->Genre radio stations.

- Creating a Rhapsody account is free but is not mandatory. An account is only necessary if you want to make playlists & share them across multiple devices (similar to Grooveshark).

- If you've purchased Flex, this patch is already on the cloud (minus the radio station skipping/scrubbing).


1. Download/install Flex & Rhapsody (use version 3.5.4 if you want radio station playback).

2. Open Flex. From the Patches tab, tap "+" symbol (located top right), select Rhapsody, tap "add units", tap "Rhapsody" executable, tap "process". Tap "Rhapsody" executable, tap the search icon. Type and select "RHAccountController". Then select the following unit(s), "-(BOOL) signedIn" & (if you're using Rhapsody 3.5.4 & want radio skipping...) than, "-(BOOL) nonDmcaRadioUser" as well.

(skip to step #3 if you're using current Rhapsody 3.6.1+ version. Below enables radio station skipping for 3.5.4 only)

Tap the search icon. Type and select "RHRadioplayableitemsProvider". Then select these (2) units, "-(BOOL) supportsSkipBackwards" & "-(BOOL) supportsUserScrubbing".

3. (skip to step #4 if not using an account) Open Rhapsody. Sign up for a free account. Afterwards, you will receive a popup, "Unable to create the subscription", click "ok". Close the app from the switcher/multitasking tray. Open the app and sign in with your new Rhapsody credentials.

IMPORTANT: click "Cancel" when you're asked for your Apple id/pass. Then you'll receive a popup "Upgrade required....", click "ok". Close the app from the app switcher/multitasking tray.

4. Open Flex. From the patches tab, @Patches-->Rhapsody Patch--> ....change all the "Override Return Values" from "FALSE" to "TRUE". Turn on the Rhapsody Patch you just created. It should have a check mark next to it indicating its on.

5. Open Rhapsody. You should now be signed into your account. Click on something to play and you will receive a popup "Please sign in again". Click "ok". That's it.

Small tool allows you scan and check public SSH. You can switch your ip address by using SSH Tunnel. This tool is best choise to find fresh and fast SSH Socks. Unblock FaceBook now with SSH Tunnel. This tool is providing free ssh tunneling accounts for people to unblock facebook/youtube at school or office.
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NOW ($9,99)

Tips for scanning fresh SSH without using our default ip ranges

You should open around 3 - 5 ShellBox progarms. Google search for country ip range that you want to get. Split the list of ip range to more files. Scan them by using 3 - 5 ShellBox program. Keep them on your VPS or your PC and waiting for fresh SSH accounts.
Note: Some SSH account is open but can not fowarding port.

IP Range format for scanning

[Lower IP][Space][Higher IP]|username;password

For second range, the program will use admin;admin as username and password.


Bitvise SSH Client

Virus Total